I send it to the board by running a line from the preamp-out jack to a Hughes and Kettner Red Box (v.1) that I have had for nearly thirty years. My original intention was that this would only be for the rehearsal/arrangement sessions. We are all using headphones at all times.įor convenience, I've been keeping a Peavey Bandit 75 at the space. We record all rehearsals, as well as being set up to record keeper tracks.
One of my bands occupies a recording studio.
An isolation cabinet does not totally silence the amp though. This would be the closest approximation of how the amp truly sounds I believe. I have considered building an isolation cabinet, then mic it and running that through my headphone preamp. You definitley have to eq differently when listening through headphones as well. Cleans sound very good on most of all I have tried, but overdriven sounds just sound sound that great. I have tried the Bias trial version and it was just ok. I have been told that an Axe FX and the Kemper sound very good, but these are not in my budget. Most of the drive sounds just don't sound very good. I have a Peavey Valve King II micro head that sounds pretty good with a headphone amp through it's headphone out. Have tried a bunch of modelers and get the same results out of those as well. I had a THR10C as well and the headphone out does not sound as good as what comes out of the speakers.