Time warp only is allowed relative to the player initiating it, or whenever a player's ship or EVA is within a certain distance max time warp availability slows down for both players using it in increments until time is x1 in close quarters, or whenever a player logs off the server advances the shared game state to the most advanced time stamp relative to the most chronologically advanced player. 'The Multiplayer Project?' Relative Synch 'Solutions to warping problems *IF* multiplayer gets added' (inaccessible) 'Battening down the hatches' would be a regular occurrence in such games, but EVAs would certainly be a lot more fun! This seems the most logically doable of all ideas. Communication between all players would be essential to avoid collision or physics catastrophes. The amount of maximum warp is limited to the lowest warp factor available to all players (so if a player is landing, the max factor is lower than if all player ships/evas were in interplanetary space or in an observer mode). Either designated warp admins have the power alone to advance the time warp, or all players do. This is great for small network games where the multiplayer focus is usually on close quarters or EVA/IVA operations. This idea requires communication between players prior to warping. Master Warp: Only certain players or all players have the power to advance time at the lowest available common warp factor.